
This is a project in active development.

Last updated: 17 Aug, 2024

Version 4.81 (Build 111, Aug 2024)

  • Updated manual (v2.0) to add chapter on Advanced Features & Eleveld Emulation
  • Improved graph dimensions on computer/widescreen devices
  • Corrected minor issues (incorrect reference for pharmacodynamic interaction, arrow symbol in complex mode, bug on loading complex mode simfile)

Version 4.8 (Build 109, May 2024)

  • Feature: Emulation of Eleveld model when using Marsh/Schnider model
  • Feature: Adjusted body weight for Marsh & Schnider with information prompt
  • BW validation: only extreme BMI (e.g. BMI>=35) will trigger warning screen
  • UI/UX: Omitted the "I confirm" and "Disclaimer" check on front screen
  • Bugfixes: error in displaying model parameters after re-selecting a model

 Version 4.7 (Build 102, Mar 2024)

  •  Bugfixes: graph options, eBIS after pause
  •  Infusion duration increased to 6 hours (previously 2 hours)
  •  User Manual: initial release

 Version 4.6 (Build 100, Feb 2024) 

  • Model: Eleveld "without opioid" is added.
  • Control panel: controls the timeline. Quick reset: reset the infusion data. Pause: pause the simulation at current time instance. Jump: jump forward or backward in time

Version 4.5 (Build 97, Jan 2024) 

  • Updated the UI for CPT and CET modes with more compact interface design
  • Sophisticated "preview box" can be viewed by clicking "expand" - previews the full scheme ahead for CPT/CET modes
  • Corrected the CPT algorithm - previously, increasing CPT will overshoot the CP and decreasing the CPT will cause premature re-start of infusion
  • Improved support for widescreen devices particularly in complex/dual mode
  • Bugfix in Safari browser, MacOS

Version 4.4 (Dec 2023)

  • Bolus/Infusion unit function: manual mode - can change infusion unit from "ml/h" to "mg/kg/h" (or appropriate units) & change the bolus unit from "mg" to "mg/kg" or "ml" (or appropriate units)
  • Corrected algorithm in decremental infusion rates for reducing target in CET mode

Version 4.3 (Dec 2023)

  • "Quick edit CeT and CpT" in Fullscreen mode
  • Export/import module - sim-files can be exported to a .CSV file and imported back to SimTIVA or loaded into spreadsheet program. Contains individual weblinks for each sim to replay the sim in a browser.
  • Interface improvements: added ML in preview of CpT and CeT modes, labels of axes in chart
  • Pharmacology: bug fix for fentanyl

Version 4.1 (Nov 2023)

  • Fullscreen mode: Shows current infusion regimen (rates + bolus) in the graph over time; helps to visualize the relationship between CP/CE and changes in infusion dosing
  • UI/UX: iPhone user interface dramatically improved
  • Pharmacology: added alfentanil (Maitre)

Version 4.0 (Sep 2023)

  • Complex mode : two drug regimen and pharmacodynamic interaction using "PTOL" index - probability of tolerance to laryngoscopy 
  • eBIS for eleveld model: Ce propofol relates to estimated BIS based on PD modelling given by eleveld model
  • Improved chart functions: charts can now extend beyond the standard 20min limit as in the last version. The time axis can now be adjusted by user.
  • Paediatric mode: allows entry of age in days, weeks, or months; allows entry of postmenstrual age in premature kids (valid for <6month old infant for eleveld model- PMA will affect clearance)

Version 3.2 (Aug 2022)

  • Pharmacology: Added Fentanyl (Shafer) model, with or without weight adjustment according to formulas by Shibutani

Version 3.1 (May 2022)

  • Feature: "Share" module and separate Viewer App
  • Feature: "Save" functionality with automatically saving simfiles and ability to rescue the last saved simfile or to load previous simfiles
  • Feature: Added add/remove/edit events functionality

Version 3 (Jan 2022)

  • Feature: Time and volume estimation modules
  • Design: Dark mode theme
  • Design: Updated chart engine and related coding to ensure compatibility with ChartJS v3.7.1; this improves speed of charting 
Version 2.1 (Aug 2021)
  • Design: Improves display of CP, CE and infusion rate on top bar of screen
  • Feature/Design: Added screen wake-lock function (screen always on when app active) (supported device only)

Version 2 (Jul 2021)

  • Feature: Added wake-up time (decrement time) prediction module
  • Feature: Added data validation, prompting for invalid model, BMI and weight validation for data input
  • Feature: Added device notification and sound notification (supported device only)
  • Feature: Added remifentanil models (Minto, Eleveld)

Version 1 (Feb 2021)

  • Feature: Added CET mode
  • Feature: Added retrospective correction module
  • Pharmacology: Added Eleveld model and Paedfusor model for propofol
  • Design: responsive design and allow appropriate display on landscape and portrait screen orientation across all screen sizes

Version 0.1 (Nov 2020)

  • Initial release
  • CPT mode and manual mode available
  • Marsh, Schnider models available


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